51down. 6letters clue. Takes from cryptic. Once the cats are playing with,takes from ------ 66across. 4 letters clue. Languish cryptic. Art thou going to languish -i-- 57across. 4letters. Clue. Give...
15across. 6letters
clue. joined
cryptic.in concert, as one man
37.down. 7letters
clue. Cod
cryptic. A no good skipper
47down. 7letters
wrap up
cryptic. Wrap up well
23across. 5letters. Clue. Hit (slang). Cryptic. Hit in the face -l-c- 69down. 7letters Clue. Horrible. Cryptic. Zero in. Conceal from us. Its horrible. -----u-. 83across. 7letters. Clue. Step....
9down. 10letters(5,5) Clue. Inundated Cryptic. Either leave too dry or inundated -n-e-w---r 33across. 9letters. Clue. Killer Cryptic.a more peculiar figure in custody:a killer ---a-g--- 37down....
9down.7letters Clue. Language. Cryptic. Feature see has been translated from foreign language -h-n--- 23across.9letters (3,6) Clue. Impressed. Cryptic. Impressed as we manoeuvered the heavy vehicle....
58down.10letters(5,5) Clue. Song Cryptic. What th cricketer sang as easy catch came his way. H-l---o-l- 74across.9letters Clue. Right. Cryptic. That's right . Out an asterisk by "food" -t-r-----...
23across. 9letters (4,5) Clue. Little. Cryptic. A little outdated in these metric days -i-----e- 24down. 7letters. Clue. Suppose. Cryptic.suppose a picture's carried in. ----i-. 72across....
25down. 5letters. Clue. Number Cryptic. How old was Thelma when the ma abandoned her? -o--- 26down. 7letters. Clue. Acerbic Cryptic. Clipping, injured myself. ------ 43across. 7letters. Clue. Biting....
14across.7letters. Clue. Mean. Cryptic. Mean a grave was vandalised at one end a-e---- 9down. 10letters(6,4) Clue.taken around Cryptic. Watching some cricket when getting guided tour. ---i-g-v-r...