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dose anybody know how to make nandos chicken on the bbq? they will not tell me.
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What does the iron cross sybolize or stand for? Thanks.
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On survival programmes they usually show participants how to light a fire. I actually know quite a few methods but haven't tried them all. So, my question is, what methods do you know actually work,...
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darth vader
following on from flirty41's question about chemical naming standards i have noticed on certain toiletries the ingredient 'aqua' - anyone know what exactly it is? (Or made up of?)
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I am interested in setting up a site that will be focused on education which of the above dot endings would be best for my business?
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Apparently there are three words ending in gry. Hungry and angry are two. What is the other one?
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I know the bbfc does films but who governs magazines etc? Im doing a report in which i want to say 'it is illegal for minors to view porn' but who are minors? I have the Protection of children act,...
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Wee Kaz
What does an e next a weight on any food mean? I always thought it meant the approximate weight.
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i'm stil sort of new to the whole internet thing, i would love to know waht cookies are, and how do u turn them off, why do u need to turn them off, can they be turned on once tuened off, and what are...
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How do I shrink a Tee Shirt to a size or two smaller?
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Mr Poo
Is chewing gum biodegradable? Does it rot or decompose?
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What was the song the talked about remembering the good times, it was read?
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Does anyone know how to improve the ranking on search engines (such as Google)? My web site is listed with them but I would like it to appear in the top 40 results at least.
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how can i protect my home in cold weather
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How do you know when you are in love?
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Is cassette tape classed as 2-track tape, because it is stereo, or am I totally confused. I often hear about 2-track, 4-track tape etc. What are they? Is it that the heads have 2 tracks on or...
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Is there a way I can look up E-mail addresses in the same way as I look up a phone number or address on the internet?
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The Rut
If Jesus Christ came back down to earth would he Jewish and not Christian?
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What does 'buy on price' mean?
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A few snow flakes and a lot of south east England grinds to a halt. This is the 21st century surely we can do better.

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