Why is it that some people can't answer questions if the question text is too long? They say they can't see the 'Post an Answer' button, but do they not have a scroll bar at the side? :Is this a...
Can someone name any site that gives you clips to listen to the tracks. I've been on amazon but they don't let you listen to them. Also does anyone know why Catherine zeta Jones doesn't sing on it?
When I was about nine or ten, I watched something very disturbing on telly - I don't know if it was a film or TV programme. It was a black and white programme, and the story was about a man who found...
Who is your favourate james bond actor? Mine is Roger Moore and my best friends is Pierce Brosnan but most people say Sean Connery just cos he was the first but i dont think this is the case.
i would like to know where i can get some elvis videos that are compatible with my english video recorder,and are sold in england.Please only positive answers. no,'have you tried ,they might.'..i need...
I couldn't answer this or your first q because you filled up all the space with your question and this site is badly designed so you cant scroll down the reply box. - Do you really need a fax? Its a...
Theres a flashing banner on my program thats always advertising a free pencam if you click it, for fun i decided to click it. Up pops a very offical looking site, telling me where to send the pencam...