Is it right that liam conner is leaving and is it right that bradely walsh is comeing back because he was comeing back last year and it never happend. anyone no?
Last week I went to the garden centre and a lad who works in the fish part put in the tropical tanks some chunks of cucumber and he said they like a bit of cucumber and like to nibble at it and after...
Is there any were else were I can watch creature comforts besides youtube as im looking for a episode were penguins go out for a ice cream. any one no any were else besides youtube?
Im from the north west in manchester and I wanted to now were are the fist bus duble deckers now because they are all volvo single deckers now and are first geting any duble deckers agen?
When was the internet first out and was it going in 1999 because there was the millenium bug. and if it was going in the 80s would it of been as popular as it is now?