31a electrical device measuring involuntary physiological activities such as pulse rate,perspiration etc used as a lie detector P- - Y- - A-H 36a genus to which the common shrew belongs -O- - X thanks...
1down to surpass in a sphere of activity,competition o - - - - -i - 11across more full of vitality-more livelier - - - i - - t - i - r thanks pippa spencer salop
26a A feast of hawaiian food L- - U 39a a plant with serrated leaves and yellows flowers whose astringent roots are used for medicine - O - - - N- I - Thanks Pippa Spencer Salop
Yes - people do win on the crosswords sometimes! I regularly do the Crusader in the Daily Express and 2 weeks ago I won ?100 - received the cheque yesterday so there's hope for everyone! Pippa Spencer...