I thought Cameron was going to be a goner tonight. How much longer they
going to drag this out? Anyone else fed up with him? He's not even a good actor....
I've been to Tesco today. WHY can't people stand upright when pushing the trolley instead of lolling over it as if there legs can't hold them up, bum in the air? Strangely it doesn't seem to be the...
My 12 year old GSD had to be put to sleep on Thursday night and I am so numb . I lost my other one on the 14th of May and still haven't come to terms with losing him , and now this !
Wsas watching Doctors today when Kevin Websters Dad ('Bill') appeared. I thought he was in Germany having suffered a heart attack?? That's why Kevin hasn't been around. Someones telling us all...
I wish to thank each and every one of you who wished me well whilst in Hospital having a Lung Cancer Operation recently. There are too many of you to thank individually, so it's best I post my thanks...
I'd like to know other viewers opinions of the last episode of The Returned, as I felt that it was a real disappointment - I thought that something really creepy might happen, the episodes leading up...
The Returned on Channel 4, it was the penultimate episode tonight, hope it doesn't have a stupid ending though. Will anyone else miss it? Sunday nights won't be the same for me.
I can make it as strong or weak as you like? I have had two days off work and supposed to be having all next week off but I think I might go in if it stays this hot It's too hot to go out of the house...
I know... a very obvious thread. But I always double take when the car temp reading is 30 degrees in this country!! My parents have just returned from Majorca and it was 2 degrees warmer in England...
Not sure whether this is more of a science question, but what happens in the body to make you have that empty pining feeling like when you're homesick or just broke up with somebody? So serotonin /...
Can anyone tell me in simple English how to get a photo from my phone to Facebook please? I have a Samsung Galaxy mini but you don't get a book with phones these days!
Did anyone else almost miss what Paul said? If I heard correctly it didn't sound that bad to me, it wasn't a remark directed at Lloyd either. I struggled to understand why such a huge storyline has...