Does anyone want a dog? He has really special skills and very good taste, for example, he can open the fridge door with one paw and he loves strawberries and cracker barrel.
Was Nip/Tuck on last night? If so then I missed it. Noooooo I can't believe I did that. I want to know what happened but does anyone know a good Nip/Tuck website so I can read it...? I think I may cry...
Let's hope today is better than yesterday. I joined up and all I got was a pile of idiocy, a very small pile at that too !! Did some research. Seems you had problems with a guy called Dan, well I...
Yesterday I spent ages (with the help of mr pixi) making a weemee for my messenger, it looked ace when i had finished all pixi-ish with a tiara and sparkly bootees, with a green suit and a big ciggie...
Hi, my grandaughter loves horse riding. Can anyone tell me where in West Yorkshire she can have lessons without her own horse, and how much the costs, thanks.
in true robin williams stylie wow i feel good do be do be do be do i knew that i would now what a great weekend i've just had but now back at work : ( anyone else had a fab weekend ?
For over posting, but I couldn't have posed that much. How many posts in a period of time is considered "over posting"? Is there any plans for revising this rule? How long am I...
Right folks, let kick start Sunday evening with a guessing game I took my sofas apart today to give the leather cushons a clean. I found 5 items under the cushion of the sofa I use most often,...
my son loves nothing more than for you to touch the hoover hose against him when you are hoovering so it sucks him in , my question is should i be worried for him in the future???????lol
Good morning Mrs ABed, I have a concern about the colour of the big orange thing here on the screen, is it me, (or my screen,) or since the 'essentail maintenance work', has the orange gone a little...