76)An annual celebration (11)
80)Liable to error (8)
84)Changeable (7)
85)To make evil (7)
78)Used to be a washday aid (6)
answers all have a double letter in....
It's nearly twelfth night - although mine are long gone to the loft ... ... except for one that is ... I always have one tree decoration left out (usually hidden in a house-plant), my mum said it was...
16 down malingerer might report this,as heard in region in France (9) 11 across. Court official as hard-hearted employer (5) 20 across Soldiers with guns following leaders in African capital city as...
I don't know if this has already been discussed here but I think a murderer and rapist sentenced to life imprisonment should not be allowed the right to die. He should have to live with himself for...
16 down. Malingerer might report this, as heard in region of France (9) L???P???E 17 down. Cautious about impassioned words providing assurance (8) ???R???Y 27 across. Gardener's wife right in front...
Sunday. Some frost about this morning. Can't see any stars, so must be cloudy. Either that or the starman hasn't paid the electricity bill. Quiet in the Heritage Centre yesterday. only 18 visitors all...
This is the first time in a while which I've asked a question about a girl as I'm usually the one answering them. But someone said to me "you're too sweet for your own good" and I don't quite...
Former prime minister Tony Blair writes in the Observer newpaper that an abuse of religion, is a common motive behind recent acts of terrorism. "The battles of this century, are less likely to be the...
When does a viral chesty cough (part of the flu I have had) become a chest infection? How can one distinguish? I know that if viral, the doctor will send me home and advise rest, fluids and...