peter kay is always taking the pee out of his nan getting words wrong e.g . calling the dvd player vd player and lots of others , do you have any relatives, friends who do this ? and what do they say?...
I need some help picking a foundation thats gives a flawless look. I have tried many before but none gives me the look i want. I am 24 and i need the foundation to for evening outs. Please Help?
my boyfriend has been using psychology on me for 16 months (Skinner) and chipping away at my self esteem. He used me recently for a free holiday and I've found out he has been lying to me and trying...
Something happened last night that i haven't been able to get out of my head. Driving home from a friends,having had 1 drink(a half) I approached a junction and struck a cat, I stopped to see what it...
Isn't it about time our service personnel operating overseas in the likes of Iraq and Afghanistan be exempt from income tax? They are not particularly well paid as it is, so shouldn't we help them...
Any advice please. I purchased a guinea pig 2 weeks ago and started to feed it with guinea pig pelletts and also various vegetables as all the books i had read on the subject said this was a good...
What's the best age to neuter, I have a male and a female kitten and therefore want to get them done together. I have heard that if you do it too early you cwn damage normal growth, and too late can...
My work is having a Medieval themed xmas party. Apart from thr obvious King Arthur costumes, can anyone help with suggestions for characters/outfits. Thanks. p.s there are about 20 of us so the more...
what would you do if you went away to ireland for a weekend and got lost for four weeks and no one noticed when you turned up again would you feel left out
Does anyone know where I can buy corsets in Bristol? (or possibly Bath?) I mean proper corsets not something from Topshop that looks like one! The only thing I can find is cheap sex-shop style PVC...
Could anyone suggest somewhere nice to go on a 2 week holiday in late June early July. We would like somewhere hot, preferably out of Europe but not essential. And a destination where we can both...