Been looking at this as a possible replacement for Sky as I feel I would get better value from what they're offering based on what I tend to watch. I have laid my hands on an old OnDigital box which...
8dn: Do, before leaving work finally (8,5) ?a?e?e?? ?a?t?
19dn: They stress a dollar's value (7) ??c???s
16ac: List of people in the top class (4) ?r?u...
I spent a lovely lunch with friends this week in a pub and a neighbour of one of the girls sauntered over to say hi. Well he was off his box and continued to down pint after pint of Stella at the next...
4 Down - Express pleasure,say, at clubs used for pastime (7) ?u?s??? 5 Down - Have teeth in me to an extent (5) ?m?i? 13 Across - Corn seen in the wood (5) ?r??? 14 Down - A vehicle or two?(7) ?a?a?a?...
In the Georgian style ad - anyone else think the guy at the end says 'I've got the Clap!!! (he actually says - I've got the clamp - meaning a denver boot!) In this ex-naval household the word 'clap'...
Can anyone help please?
32. Astonishin' (6)
40. You carriage flirt (9)
34. Does roy's boy howl? (6,3)
27. Bear stream to the east for poet? (6,6)
5d almost strange block of water =e=r
6d denys roots been dug over =e=u=
19d upmarket but small trade centre =m=r=
22a see through protagonists schedule r=t=...