Fg crossword no1206, 19d ,Arrangements, heartlessly say, followed by main lines of family ,7 letters, s?s?e?s .also 29 ac. Squeal about essentially unseemly dating, 6 letters s?e?n?, thanks again...
Fg crossword 1205, thanks lie n king for previous answer , have another one ,16ac ,lose life crossing oceans- because of this, 7 letters ?I?A?S? ,thanks again....
F g crossword 1202 2d , bird cluster around openings of large loaded feeding installation, 9 letters, B?L?F?N?H ,Looks like bullfinch but can't relate it to clue , thanks in advance for help
Farmers Guardian crossword. Really screwed it up this week Thanks again for help, need help on 1d 8 letters Not initially smile stupidly after goal sentence - sticky trap ,b?r?l?p? Thanks...
ThsnksToorak, hadgot another one, 10ac,5 and 4 letters, could be truly a sin to step on one or drink to many of these 5,4, ??s?? ,?ai?, thanks again...
Fg crossword 1193 ,I'm having dead brain weekend, 8ac 8 letters, most unimportant set back in open view ???h?e?t, also 9ac,dramatic creations of German car company mostly crash,lacking limits ??e?a?...
Fg crossword 1193 6d, 15 letters, titans persevere curiously producing agents ??????????????? ,I've afew letters but not sure if any correct so left them out. Thanks
Good morning , FG crossword 1192 ,12 ac 9 letters, Son telephoned during exam, most surprisingly. S?o?n?e?t ,I think these letters are correct. Thanks yet again...
Fg crossword 1191 2 d, 7 letters, cases of hoax getting into winter sport ,l?g?a?e ,answer seems to be luggage, but I relate this to clue,thanks in advance for help