Do police horses like sausage rolls? There's a man in Glasgow has been arrested for feeding sausage rolls to police horses.
Is that a bad thing?
Whatever happened to those energy-generating pavements? The ones where each footstep was supposed to generate enough energy to run street lights and stuff.
Thinking about bum bags, plump stomachs and the acceptance of plastic surgery, would it be practical to turn the modern western belly into an additional storage space? A sort of belly bag.
How can the queen prove her identity? She doesn't have a passport or driving licence. So, how do we know the wifie who says she is the queen, really is the queen?
Every year there seem to be news stories ahout councils forcing cart horses to wear nappies. How many town does this hapen in? Has it made any differnece to the poop count?
After reading about the woman who kept her horse in her house and blocked the drains by flushing horse poo down the loo. Do you have any neighbours who do crazy things?
The wee one lost one of her milk teeth recently and put it under the pillow but she wanted to know what the tooth fairy did with the teeth. I said it went for recycling. What does the tooth fairy do...
Why are there fossils of big dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex,
but no fossils of the smaller dinosaurs that evolved into the big fellas - tyrannosaurus regulus?...