Carbon emissions = nasty nasty global warming , so must stop carbon emissions. Since this will be very difficult, would it not be better to focus on finding a use for the carbon, surely the most...
Why can't i see my answers or anything in my profile? The screen is just white where you normal have the option to see your past activites. Thanks in advance.
Hi AB Editor, I've been thinking, (yes it does happen now and then), other than 'reporting', is there anything else that can be done stop the posters who seem to find it amusing to post answers that...
I've an interest in photography and wish to gain a relevant qualication, I've been looking at the AS/A2 and the City & Guilds one favoured over the other, can anyone help??
Does anyone know who wrote a short story about a village cricket match? I remember it being read to us one rainy day way back in prep school. it dealt with the laziness of summer . anyhelp would be...
in mr garden i found a huge mushroom about 7' across with a totally flat top and curved underside ,rather similar in shape to half a grapefruit,is it edible and safe?