Hi from Pollyannah
Stuck on two today:-
12d city in the puglia region of south east italy ?o?g?a
40a council area of east scotland on the north dea ?n?u?
Many thanks...
15a - dry red burgundy wine from a vineyard near dijon 28a - Atsronomical uit equal to 3.26 light years 26d - port in Seine-Maritime an important centre in the middle ages Many thanks in advance -...
43a - word donating a person machine etc doing something (5,4) 13d - the --- conservation organisation working in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (8,5) 10d - steeple over the crossing of a church...
stuck on two
11a - throwing away or overboard - abandoning J??T??A?I??
9d - rocks consisting of a mixture of minerals
many thanks in advance from Pollyannah...
18a - greek spring on Mount Helicon ---p-c---e
42a - Port on the east coast of Lewis -t-r-o-a-
5d - adjective describing 42a H-b-i---n
thank you in advance...
36a - Government department that formally administered the Royal Navy - now only used in titles
38a - angle between a line on a graph and the positive direction of the x axis
Thank you very much...
Having a bit of trouble this morning - many thanks in advance for helping 24d -apparatus usually automatic used to maintain a constant low temperature 12a - grid of fine lines in the focus of an...
scientific study of plant and animal fossils to obtain information about their structure and environment
I have put paleontology but that doesn't fit in with other answers - many thanks in advance...