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From the answer to most clues, a letter must be deleted wherever it appears before entry; definitions refer to the full unmutilated answer, wordplay and numbers in brackets to the grid entry ( 4 clues...
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15a Fights seen on stage in Julius Caesar and Coriolanus (8) ?O?D?E?S soldiers? 19a Centre of orthodoxy that's pushing out first part of Judges in traditional scripture (4) ?I?V kiev?...
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It's a jigsaw grid so number of letters not known... but between 3 and 8 On the wing? Not this chap joining The Gunners....starts R Some of Edinburgh's corn its leaderless team rejected ...starts S...
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27a Like articles sold for publication to several different newspapers.. syndicateD or syndicateS ??...
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56 Across "Went downhill fast". S*k*d. (? Skied ?)...
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17d One whose suit was successful despite his leaden approach (8) ?A?S?N?? bassanio?? 16d Dryden and Shadwell, for instance, both give the sack (9) L????????...
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12a One book bound in straps could be The Brothers Karamazov (8) ?I?L?N?* 8d Count wanting knight to turn into liberal thinker (6) ?E?*?? * common to both answers...
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20d Genus of flowering plants in the pea family (6) I?T?I? 16a River of New Zealand (7) M?T?E?D...
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6d: “On holiday, get to this piace in effect” (7). I have O- T- O - E....
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one letter may be omitted from the wordplay... 1a Variable policy in society also holding doctor back (5 letters or 6) 20a Clothing accessory shown in some film of match (6 letters or 7, 2 words)...
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14a Russian producer of many stories (4) T?S?
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Possibly an extra letter in wordplay - 36a Not many against occasionally eventless books (6) (6) NO?E?S novels? Help also with the top and bottom lines to be filled in... i am missing some of the 21...
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38a Pig had second birthday, lacking three weeks with the purpose specified (6, 3 words) ?EAS?O...
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28a Lively tune followed by tenor (4) ?ANT
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For obvious reasons can someone give me an on-line dictionary of first lines of poetry. Thank you
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4d Difficult king turned out smart (5) ?O??? 5d Settle before a meal with meat (7) ?P????T...
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Help with parsing please... Clues contain an extra letter... 2d Unproductive moan given title, it's said (6) BARREN / baron but where does "moan" fit in and which letter is extra? 17d Children held...
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6. Pie thrown, stool for the penitent soak (4) CRE? 11. Former lodging showing class earl occupies for nothing (4) ?ERM ferm?? 3. Arranged to have hearses around for lists.....ans is carriers or...
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Could someone help with the parses for these please: 14a No good in records taking second without any offence (7) looks like SINLESS 36a Western Region carriage for excursions ...looks like T-CART 26d...
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1a About to take Deighton chapter to press (6) ??E?C?

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