5d Father's struggling to secure island retreat as a defence for Christians, apparently (3,4,5) ??? / ?A?R / ?A??? 22a Verse from De la Mare with a small amount of information on legal humorist (2,7)...
34a Just short of a healthy appetite! (4) L?S?
36d Small explosive with opening, turning (5) N?TR? nitro fits the defn of "small explosive" but the rest?...
19a Maybe one of these kinsfolk keeps black fish 6 or more letters
27 Best way to escape Catholic girl 8 or more
22 Concern when duck's displaced by that man's boat 6 or more...
Help required-
31a Mount's area traversed by island cleric (6) ?C??A?
23a Vagueness thus always shown to what it's usually attached to? (6 two words)
there may be a surplus word in the clue: 37a US novelist displays synthetic sheep's head (5) J??ES ........... looks like James ?? 3d No place for paddling piscivore (5) ...........otter? Where is the...
Each clue has a misprint in the defn 2a They cheep to bards when at the cinema (6) ?S???? i suspect cheeP should be cheeR 6a It resembles a cut, nothing to bother about on the outside (6) ?O???? cUt...
Did anyone watch the new start of a four part thriller on Monday called"Cheat?" Ive recorded it but havent watched it yet. It had very good reviews....