25a A sentimental traveller's last to go back on board (6) ???E?N 21a Over half of suicide letters to Pal Ted were by hm (5) O?A?A 26a Something 14 wrote for these is not important (3, 5) crossing...
13d Cowardly character with a molar that hurts, in dismay (11).... starts with S possibly anagram of amolarhurts? 28a Thriller with cripple involved in death-bed conversion (5,3,4) ?L??? / T?? / ????...
6d Rebellious set cuffing suspect seen to get nervous (5,2) T?N?E / ?S possibly tense ?s ?
.........can see the anagram of seen in the middle but rebellious set ?...
Some clues have an extra word that must be removed before solving 2a Professor's imparted wisdom to tense skier (4) 3a Tropical fruit touch pineapple rings apparently (5) 11a Close-fitting garment...
Most answers have to be treated so crossers won't really help 5d Flatter European in charge (6) 6d Darwin for example is in the middle of prospector territory (8) 26d Son pretends to be touring...
cryptic 1A Get gold carriage (6) ? ? ? D ? ? 9A Accountant to steal Mediterranean tree (5) ? ? ? ? B 10A Meat product cold as far as one can see? Not entirely (7) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 11A Person gambling to...
Number of letters not known .... clues alphabetical...jigsaw type puzzle The wordplay in some answers is several letters short (may be up to a string of 5 letters missing from the wordplay) 1.Revere...
Number of letters not given 4a Two Australians backed retaining most of useless small area 9a Beer - about to cuddle college tree 2d French girlfriend from team leaving French city (ans has 4-7...
25d what text critics argue over like veteran campaigners? Mostly (6) S?A*RE
33a Old clothes rare ruler has not (briefly) trimmed (4) ?E*E
rere vaguely parses ??...
Number of letters not known, clue may contain an additional letter not needed for the answer.. Clues are alphabetical. 1.The setter's kidnapped by vacuous radicals ( Setter is samuel) Starts with A...
Last two, any help would be appreciated.
6d. Drink up and linger for a piece of cake(8). I have O?S?O?E?.
27a. Worried about unopened stock in wine store(8). I have ?E?L?R?D.
Thanks in advance....
6d Bridge-player discarding two of clubs, no less valuable (6) DEARE? dearer ? why? 39a Engagement ring may contain this (5) ?*?HT fight? 35d Affected by one who's familiar, missing canine (4) ?*TH *...
13a Junction? Went fast round it in spite (6) ?A?RED "A" is dubious ...couldn't parse that answer 26a Flightless birds speed round palm tree (7) R?????? ........thought it might be race with ita...