Just checking 3 answers please: 12a Soccer team in one of the UAE capitals (6) ?N?T?D united? 4d Thatcher's material heartlessly delivered (4) R?E? reed? 19d Revolutionary republic defends volunteers...
2d CH in full - C?m???I?n of ?o?o?r
16a Words spoken by Lady McBeth - W???s ?o?e ?a?n?? ?? ?n????
12d Suggestive remarks - ??????????
23a Classical home for drama - ???h???e????...
Yikes - forgot about this one and I think this is the last day for it! Stuck on 3 but these 2 would help if anyone can assist please?..... 16a Spiritual father raised Jack the wrong way (4) B??? 24a...
25a Miss Crewe's orchestra playing this tune (8) ?A?A?*?D 19d Opera's outcome is an italian king being elevated? A spanis one actually (6) ?R?*?I * is the crosser of both 19d possibly armani??...