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SPIBRED 2 words Thanks in advvance...
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1a doctor,i have learner producing rubbish(6)?????L 9a encourage,for example,attempt with pole(3,2)e???? 13a also taking sailor in is forbidden(5)???O? 5a collier has a pound for type of...
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We have a fortnightly rubbish collection and a fortnightly garden waste collection. This has been going on for about 10 years following the decision by the council to halve the collections from a...
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Confirmation of A’s and I’s please I make it 16 A’s and 10 I’s,many thanks....
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Can anybody please tell me Who is advertising on page 49 of the Event Magazine?
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Good morning, Can someone please confirm the number of A's in You Magazine, I have 14. also the number of I's in Mos again I have 14. Thanking you....
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I get 11 I's today. Can anyone confirm Thanks
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...but if their report is correct and the second (currently) pictrue of Philip driving his new Land Rover was taken today then it looks like he may have been off-roading from the flora/twigs attched...
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A result is a result, accept it. the anti-Brexiteers just want their own result by complicated the result.... Can't move forward by complicated things, it apply to everything in life mate. Have faith...
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Help please, last two answers. 1A - -A-P-E An epic poem, or epic poetry in general. 29A - A-S-E river in northern France; scene of a major allied offensive in 1918 Thanks...
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We have been inundated with nettles but they seem to have got worse over the past couple of years. Last year we tried the Resolva "Extra Strength" which worked initially but now they are back with a...
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Does anybody know of anyone collecting used stamps ? Tilly did last year I think...
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Cumbria Scouts Christmas Quiz 6, Does she sing about herself. 5 letters ? 11, A small amount to eat.6 letters ? 13, A flat taken on by a spanish knight, 6 letters ?. 20, Your eyes, so to speak, 5,4...
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sex goddess
I make it 15, can anyone agree
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Airedale hospital quiz Found in the garden 1 sport for two (7) 7. Barrier with a pig(8) 10. Leg cover(4) 26. Hair cutter playing snooker (8) 34. Ship’s seat (9)...
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I have 15 I's in the M.O.S. crossword, though a couple of others on here have agreed it's 14.Have I spelled 27 across wrongly? Any help appreciated.Have you looked yet LIE-IN KING ?
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Hi there just confirm (No of A in the YOU crossword)and (No of i in the MOS) I make it 8 YOU 16 MOS Thanks in advance t...
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19d Find large Mexican pancake flipping excellent at first
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Could anyone please help with 47a Fly down with confidence (10) _l_e_o___e Also 48d Earth shattered over new capital (6) Thank you....

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