59d) It will entrance you(8)..............I have ?????s?s
62a)Priests have extremely common allergy(6).......I have ?l?r?? looks like it should be cleric, but don't get the allergy bit...
Items found with indoor connections that have double letter answers
2)Gives one a hard time (6)
7)This pigeon told tales (5)
12)Pretend exasperated exclamation(7)
18)Naughty kids can push them (7)...
40)And another "Friend" (15)....................I've got the previous answer from the cast of friends. 70)Standard for a child (6) 73)Riyadh Khalaf or Joe Sugg etc (8 )85)He's on the frame (10)...
7)Tame bird to a cuppa 11)At the bottom directionally field thoroughfare 39)Not high in kilojoules organised voting system................ presumably second part is election, but stuck on first part....
3)Smelly planet (5)
7)There were not many of these this summer!(13)
14)When workers are rich (6)
16)Some heroes are this (6)
all answers contain "sun" or "day"...
17)This footballer was head over heels (5,6) 12)Disgraced gang leader(4,7) 40)Can this make us better? (8)............Is there a group called Medicine? 22)Could be chocolates in a few minutes (7)...