answers are places in the UK where either the clue or the answer contains a number
1)A dozen school principals (11)
2)Primarily not good time to be surrounded by million (10)...
20)Not a specific officer (7)
33)One of the Friends (8)
38)Made of rubber?(7)
51)Sticks paper (9)
92)Half of union(5)...............had thought of jack but only 4 letters!...
Clues only please
4) Who was here in 1970? (8)
34) Sounds like two with feature (9)
35) Mr Simpson is very heavy (8)
36)Polygonal recess (5)
38) This went in reverse! (3)
Thanks for any help...
15)Found in music and in packets (7)
61)Lose the Street (7)
68)A short-tailed herbivorous marsupial (6)
92)UK male pop duo(3,4,4)
answers begin with a "P" or a "Q"...
35)Producer throat sound to fifth(3)......................something to do with coffee? 38)Empty space this thing vehicle endearment (3) 41) Keep an eye on digital optical disc (2)
10)River loose money yours and mine (3) 15)A happy emotion he he 27)Archaeological action this fish study (3) 40)Recreation logs (2) 2,3, word answers are in brackets. answers are as near as possible...
32)Midpoint building (7,5)
36)UK Friendly Society created 1810 (10,4)
42) An iron... noise through puckered lips (3,7)
59)Singing Duos limbs(10,4)
68)Male one (4)...
2)Pork with a condiment (5,3) 42)Play together for an hour (4,4) 39)Centre of this board(8) 30)Staying smart (7,2,11) 26)Crossroads star could live here (8) 19)Of stone built by a lady (9) 15)Walk...
47)Have a good wash (6)
48)Flapping point on the compass (3,4,4)
35)Where's the male (9,3)
36)Footballers Wife on the rails (5,5)
32)Coloured dad (6,5)...
Have there been any errors reported in the letter counts for Q.28 and Q.74? I have possible answers for both of these, but my letter count is not the same.