. Tough puzzle this one. Any ideas for: TTT - it's touch and go (4,7,4) --C-A---N---I--; Get ready for tour, say, that needs energy in The Ukraine (5) -O-A-; Wear away an old molar that sticks up (4)...
One clue left in the ST Seven cryptic puzzle from Sunday and it's bugging me...can anyone help please? With delicacy, little creature nibbled at (6) -I--IC
I'm stuck on two, if anybody can please help: Sweetheart girl breaks china with a raised pattern (9 letters) M_ T_L_S__ Fleet prisoner made a prophet opt for a light (two words, 6,8) S_M___ __C___C_
Help please - I'm stuck on three 8ac Small part arrived before I left bird (5,4) -A-E-R--- 6dn Steal shilling to get ring (5) ---N- 16ac Increases desire, that's well (7) -P-U-G-
1ac How, arrogantly, you stop the bus (4-8) H--- --N-E-L (something handedly?); 3dn The duo played outside and passed around (6, 3) ----E- O-T (I thought handed out, but I can't see why!). Can anyone...
Help, I'm stuck with the last few: 11ac 'Misfortune' you write in mirror writing (7), starts with R; 1dn Fly round a northern German city (7); 20ac Withdraws the charge (7) D---S-S
Can anyone help me with these two crossword clues whose answers will share the same last letter? 7down - eg I, O or U (7) E-E-E--; 16 across A person knowledgable about the law (6) -E-I--