I have an Epson Stylus DX4400 that has just given up the ghost. I have an Epson Stylus DX4450 but can't download a driver from the Epson site. Any suggestions out there apart from buying a new printer...
stuck on 31d (With 15, C)I l left prince
I have ??I?E? if these are correct all I can see is rainer having removed the I from Rainier. But it doesn't make much sense, help please...
Stuck On Two 12a & 6d 12a Dodgy 10 out of 10 learner's able to reproduce by pairing up ?e?u?l. sexual fits but doesn't seem right. r 6d On 16, suffering with persistent pain-time for hospital. a?t?n?....
Struggling on quite a few including
16d Actor Gary goes around without granny I have ?E???M?? Also 27a Watch man that goes into orbit I have EYE??E?E...
Occasionally I catch your night songs so I am hoping a request is in order. September the 7th marks 10 years since the great Warren Zevon passed away, so could you please play something from The Wind....
Stuck on two one I think is Ximenes but I can't fit it in because I have Niagara which is putting an I where my e ought to be. clue about sex and love with king. ?I?E?I? are the letters i have in the...
Stuck on 2 in top left hand corner
1d A tall centres, sweaty brassieres anyalised just like that E???L? and 9a Reported pale food ??e?k could be bleak, but cant see why....
Stuck on 18 down I can see M = 1000 and possibly all for everyone but still can't fathom it out. Am I on the wrong track?.
Roddy Doyle's head put in to frighten everyone under 1000
I am trying to find the title of a Mickey Newbury song containing the following lines There's a blue moon in Kentucky, there's a two lane out of town, Where the sign reads leaving Guthrie, population...
Absolutely Stuck on 13 Down b if ten letter words are anagrams why can't I get any further than ???s?????? ?. Clue is I give out cards and I nearly leave mine as they are keeping on fairy's dwelling...