Good evening, my answers for this batch proved to be quite wrong! Your hints should help me to correct them and steer me in the right direction this time. Thanks in advance! ACROSS: ●5 Group still...
I have answers to only 5 of the clues. The clues are not special. And have one word answers. No hint for number of letters or where they fit in grid Below is just one of the 25 odd I couldn't get...
Good morning, another interesting EV with a few clues up my alley with reference to French, but I’m stuck on the following for which I would appreciate your help, thanks! 11a Unitarian pursues mainly...
Two clues remain. 14a, Unwilling to speak, ignoring extreme limits... of this once? (4) For 1d, I have a parrot but don't know what sounding like a dove means. 1d. NZ bird sounding (almost) like a...
Some clues have one letter difference between definition and wordplay. (e,g, Def gives try. Wordplay gives cry) 13 Visible terms of reference in black boxes (7) 28. Ancestor’s burned in terrible shunt...
Bonjour, and I will speak in English to say that I hope this is the final hurdle for me. I am happy to have discovered much of the French references. I have learned much from this puzzle though I was...
Good day, many thanks for the useful and informative hints for the Listener! I’m done with it. My attention is turned now to the EV 1592 as I’m attracted by its French references. Some hints would be...
Four clues contain a superfluos word and 21 have a misprint somewhere in the clue. 26. Wasted pound in meal for oven (4) ?OU? 32. In this respect he is missing kidney (4) ?E?? 33. King wins showing no...
Good day, I’m doing some mental gymnastics with Vagan’s “Character recognition”. There seems to be a fair share of anagrams here, but are quite tricky. I would appreciate some hints for the following...
Some assistance with the following should help me see the light for the rest of the Across clues. Thanks in advance! ( ) 6 Ostrich eats bananas after wild horse bolts stable...
Wordplay in some clues have an extra letter. In other wordplays a missing letter. - Counter area for display by Israel in local fair (6) - Plastic Yale, similar to metal (4) - Property dispatches a...
Nearly finished. Help on a couple of clues would be much appreciated. Counter are for display by Israel in local fair (6) Escorted to joust a knight’s hosting (5) In both clues the wordplay gives the...
Spectator 2603
Finished including “puzzle 26etc” but can’t parse
Stopped endless refusal getting spread about.
If the spread bit is dined what’s the endless refusal?...
Good evening, an attempt at the Listener 4762 and seeking confirmation for the following before continuing. Thanks in advance! ( Some answers, which are clued by wordplay only, are thematic and must...
As a result of Brexit, chemicals used in the cosmetic industry can once again be tested on animals. The Tory government wanted to keep this a secret for some reason. The cost of beagle puppies could...