Bony fish of temperate waters valued as sources of caviar. I have -t-r-e--r. Surely the answer is Sturgeons, but ends in an R from Persian Blue. I'm puzzled, where have I gone wrong? Many thanks.
25a US word for swimming-pools (9) 27a Type of tenant farmer in the USA (12) Down 15 d Human and divine at the same time (9) 21d Indistinctness in one's voice caused by strong emotion (5) 23d...
Last one and I have gone brain dead...To challenge or attack as false ;assail or criticise I have I-P-G- 6 letters.Would be glad of any help, thank you. g
french statesman known as TIGER 1919 10 letters ???m?n???? (1 d) Also P lease 23d french politcian served 2 terms european commission 6 letters ????r? Many Thanks anoakender
I know it's probably obvious, but I just can't think of the answer to 44d, A violent and hot dust-laden cyclonic wind in Arabian deserts.... ???o?m
Ta x
I'm 28 and for the past 6 months or longer I've not been that lubricated when having sex. My partner is starting to feel that I don't desire him anymore as in the past I've never had any problems like...
My friend has a drink problem and when he is drinking he chain smokes as well. Sometimes he runs out of money and picks up cigarette stubs off the pavement and rolls the tabacco in fresh papers. He...
18d(7) Allow European name above heading- is it entitle? 20d(5) his fiddles were perfect but somewhat melodramatic a?a?? 24a(7) what children eventually do at home with their potty? i?h?r?? - is it...
could i have some help with these please 7d Fold flags? They're tight for some but not others (6,9) 5d If red's sacked, raid Post Office maybe for that very reason(4,5) 12acr If the dollar collapses,...
I get ever later with these. 15a Component of kaleidoscope *i*r*r 52a Shrubb from rubus genus that attracts butterflies b*a*b*e Any kind help gratefully received