I've just finished watching the Luther Vandross documentary, he was my music hero, loved him to bits, saw him live half a dozen times, and if I had a gun to my head it would have to be Never Too... ...
I'm out with my friend now for the rugby and was 2 hours late meeting her as I was stuck outside with a dog for 25 mins and made me late getting ready and getting into town I'm with her now but... ...
What was your experience? The only true sacking was when I was 17 a friend helped me get a job at the place where she worked- they made sandwiches for vending machines. After a few weeks my... ...
I applied for a job and this guy has messaged me on WhatsApp and said the name of the company. He asked me questions like am I male/female, married and said I was stunning and he would arrange an... ...
...to ensure finncial security in the immediate future. "We were not previously aware of the remark and did not receive any complaints," the spokesperson added. Where will this craven drivel leave... ...
Yesterday I was amazed to see a beautIviful Peacock butterfly resting in the sunshine on my glass front door. I've never seen a butterfly in January before. Is this normal and will it... ...
Can i get peoples views on abortion? This subject tends to come up in religious debate quiet a lot but as an atheist (and a male) I am never going to have to face this dilema. However, I have to say... ...
From the BBC website: Two sets of twins aged 3 and 4 left alone in a locked house whilst their mother went shopping, died in a fire. The house is said to have been filthy. Poor little kids. She... ...
https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/spains-pm-sanchez-floats-ban-non-eu-citizens-buying-properties-2025-01-20/<br /> unless of course they are resident in spain sounds like an excellent idea to me. too... ...
Earlier today, I went to collect some laundry from the baskets. Walking downstairs, with an arm ful of Mr T's clothes, I thought, I'd recognise that smell anywhere. Suddenly, into my head popped a... ...
I looked down from my bed and my car was chewing on a raisin that I dropped. She dropped it on the ground and I immediately threw it away. When I came back, she was chewing and swallowed... ...
Just finished watching season 2 - and a third must be in the pipeline! An extraordinary programme and probably not to everyone's taste - but compulsory viewing for us! Any more fans... ...
I don't do AB as much as I used to in a previous incarnation 😂 But there are certain sites that are visited everyday... 1) My local paper 2) Facebook 3) You tube What about you?