I have received the date of my booking in appoinment with my mid wife. Although it says in the letter they aim to do this between 8 and 12 weeks, and I was told by doctor it would be at 10 - 12 weeks,...
In the short 5 weeks I have been pregnant, I have already suffered a 24 hour flu bug and a 12 hour stomach bug that gave me diarrhea and sickness. (Actually had both within two weeks of each other)...
my 6 yr old is about to lose her 3rd and 4th milk tooth. When she lost her first one she didnt even notice as it came out whilst she was eating. With the second she didnt nothing but whinge about it...
When you ladies are poorly, how does you partner cope when it comes to the day to day running of the house? Normally when I am poorly, I just get on with it, might winge but I still get on with it....
Has any of the mothers out there experienced flu like symptoms during pregnancy? Symptoms like aching lower back and hips, temperature, sore throat and general run down feeling. Are there any other...
In an earlier thread I posted, I mentioned the weird aching/hungry/empty feeling I have at times in my tummy. I still have no clue as to whether I am pregnant or getting more and more paranoid by the...
Sorry, I am doing it again....posting a thread after getting the idea from someone elses thread (thanks sunflower!lol) If you was going to a fancy dress party....who would you be? Who have you been in...
Just out of curiosity.......what where those first signs that made you think "I might be pregnant"? How early did you start getting signs? And I don't just mean missing your periods! lol I know...
I have been getting my contact lenses from a small independant optician and I have to have Acuvue Oasys as I have what it is called "dry eye". As I dont wear my contacts as regular as I first thought...
I have been geting my contact lenses from a small independant optician and I have to have Acuvue Oasys as I have what it is called "dry eye". As I dont wear my contacts as regular as I first thought I...
Whilst putting away the monthly sanitary products I just bought, it occurred to me if my other half would know what to get if I sent him to the shop for some. (And yes, I'm hoping he will submit and...
Thinking on from a question posted in a different catergory, if you and you other half want to talk about certain things in front of innoncent ears, do you have your own little codes you use? If you...