Not a big fan of girls aloud average talent but had no competition,now the saturdays are on the scene,and they sang live on the lottery not mega, but so much better than girls aloud!!!
Cant get the song out of my head,but there is the orginal song writers version, the great leonard cohen,and x factors alexandre burke,jeff buckley,k d lang,rufus wainwright,allison crowe,damien...
Had to go and get a token present for a friend,struggling to find a reasonably priced present,as she only gave me a box of celebrations,thought ok,and bought her a perfume set which had a large bottle...
Well i would say women,as they are the ones that have to get the presents,cook the food,put up with the outlaws,put up the deccies,write the crimbo cards and see that they get delivered,wrap the...
This is to all that arent doctors and nurses,this is for all support workers, who by the way do meds also,and to the carers,and to the auxliaries,and the night crews,to the wonderful cleaners,to the...
Just got my secret santa pressie,bottle of decent red,choccies and a teddy clasping a bottle of body lotion,put a bit on my arm to test omg it smells like the most delicious caramel toffee,well theres...
I have a slow cooker which i use for cheaper cuts and things like soup and mince,but why does everyone put expensive cuts in them,at work one of my co workers is obsessed with the damn thing,she put a...
Apparently there is a parcel that they cant leave and get through the letter box,funny before christmas havent so many choices,like you are not in, and so you will have to collect,but seeing its...