Well it didnt last long here and after a real downpour through the night,the snow disappeared,but they say we are due more,as i look out of the window and see beautiful blue skies and warm sun!!!
Another of my guitar heroes , James Taylor on TV just now. He played the very distictive intro to "Fire and Rain" That silly fat ferne woman said, "Oooh I like You've got a friend" He was too much of...
tonight, I decided to use up all the bits of veg I had left over & although I am vegetarian and eat a lot of vegetables this turned out so nice so thought I would share it. It would ideal with a meat...
We have instant coffee and tea,instant gravy and custard,frozen chips and vegetables,frozen ping meals,meat that you can cook from frozen,instant soup,instant porridge,frozen yorkshire...
I broke my ankle last May and still have a lot of pain in it, however next Tuesday I am booked for a private gym - will it be okay for me to run on it.