what four letter word can go either in front or after bicycle,hair and pepper. these two have had vowels omitted famous places. PTLPC. SHWDGNPGNDA Either a xmas hit or in the charts in december,...
these are either cakes or biscuts. 1) From a mountainous country. (5. 3.) Ladies bedchambers (7. 8) Not for the cat (9) Old london cry (6,4) Battle of waterloo winner (11) Gossiping together (7)...
These are sports teams of any kind 1) A bat over ball says it all 2) This one is owned by a car importer 3) Bowling, basketball and football all with the same nqme
tortured teams 1) a bat over a ball says it all starts with v. 2) this one is owned by a car importer starts with x. 3) bowling, basketball and football all with the same name starts with z
all answers are found in a garden 1) confine to college 2) it has flown maud 3) ben' s toxing 4) they did dig it 5)for a torn turnip 60 they can be found in m&s and b.h.s but not in b&q