I'm often intrigued by username's Abers select. Some it is obvious how they were chosen eg. The Builder and some seem to imply dodgy hygiene practices e.g. LidLicker (no offence LL!). How did you...
He is now in bed. We only have one computer so we have to share. Sign in, Sign out etc. also we are not wifi. Is it allowed to have two windows open on here, as in one each. If anyone is interested, I...
All I did was to speak up for the elderly and the old on a thread here where someone remarked that someone on the bus next to them smelt of urine, surely sticking up for those less unfortunate is a...
Dont you just hate it when you take the time to post an answer to someones question, and months later they have'nt taken the time to select a top answer !!!
Anyone else getting that storm of hailstones at the moment (SW Essex), never heard anything like it, sounds like the conservatory roof is about to cave in.
Do you believe man landed on the moon .Just yes or no .Unless you have proof either way .It been debated often Im sure .No conspiracy theory simply do you as an indivual believe man landed on the moon...
Hi, my boyfriend keeps demanding anal sex from me which i find pretty disgusting but he won't stop so just want to give it to him to shut him up, are there any tips you can give me and is it dangerous...
Today would be Barnys 32nd birthday. I still miss that cat and think of him every day.
This is posted by Jeza.
We only have one computer. Though I miss him too....
It's not often a 'Soap' actress moves me to tears, but tonight Bianca was awardwinningly outstanding. And I'm not a regular soap fan! However-Bianca, that was a Hollywood standard performance -well...