Wed, 09 Mar 2011 02:43:21 -0600 Space shuttle Discovery’s wakeup song for landing day was “Coming Home” by Gwyneth Paltrow, played for the entire crew and selected by the space...
Sorry if this puts you off all your food but I want to know what is it about Indian food that makes people trump? We had one last night and the bf stunk the place out so much we had to move to another...
There is a second sighting at 8 06pm but only for 1 min. SW TO SW There are only 2 more sightings tomorrow and sunday before it changes course or could be early morning sightings but not printed yet....
I spotted this fantastic photo in the Metro paper on Thursday - what a scoop for an amateur photographer!
find this kind of stuff interesting............. http://www.dailymail....ellent-condition.html I know its a little macabre (or as my son said 'Jordans gone overboard with the self tan') but I find...
I wondered if I have a virus ... I just want to close my eyes, feel so tired all week, no sore throat but a bit of a runny nose. No, I have enough sleep at night, I just don't feel 'right' if you know...
Posting earlier tonight as I have to go out but anyone feel free to reply to any questions if you can help out. Been some good sightings this week and only a few more.
would you really really like to win millions and millions? if so why? a couple of mill would do me so i could just buy a nice house....make sure kids were okay and live comfortably without having to...
Discovery is approaching Spacestation so if we have clear skies we should be lucky to see a 4 minute sighting at 6 37pm for both . They should look to go quite slow with a 4 min sighting. approaching...