I dont't know what to think about Carol, I know that she is what she is, so to speak, but I'm a woman with a few flabby bits here and there and I could never wear what she wears especially on TV. Am I...
I put this on media before clicking BB site, sorry. All you hairdressers out there, what would you do to Carol's hair to make her more attractive, (if possible).
When the twins were nominating tonight between the two of them I counted about 35 "likes",, like I think, like this, it like, well like, but like, like he, like she,......Like get these two air heads...
I watched the news tonight on ITV 1 and there was a film about cats and dogs being bred in China just for their skns to make novelty toys and such. These animals where kept in appalling conditions and...
Hello there all you clever people, I am thinking of buying a laptop and no nothing of these things, I can manage my faithfull Dell here at my desk, but I really fancy a laptop. Can anyone recommend a...
My daughter has just phoned me about a very distressing thing that has just happened in her garden and witnessed by her 5 year old daughter. Her neighbour has a rescue greyhound which was in its own...
Just watched BB and I think Emily was made an exaple of, She didn't mean to be offensive, Charley made such a big issue of it all that Channel 4 had no choice but to act because of the Jane...
Shabnam went into the diary room and asked if she left the house now would she still get TV deals..it beggars belief, what deals do you think she will get?