For those of you who remember Rover's roving all last summer, and our concern that he would fade away due to his chronic kidney disease: When he was recovered in December, the vet took bloods and...
http://www.dailymail....tml?ito=feeds-newsxml Those caring people at The Daily Mail are now trying to peddle a story that "Jeremy Clarkson may be "sick in the head" in order to garner... More than 1.5 million children in the UK are living in severe poverty, Save the Children has warned. It is said that in some areas of London,...
7d, Expression of protest perhaps, from European in mass meeting (6) ??A?L? 23a, Bishop is getting involved with deacon (8) D???E??? 24a,Artist prepared food, ingredient for salad (6) R?D??? Is the...
some stupid idiot(s) have dyed a beautiful white fluffy!!! where do these people get off and what should we do with them? a slapped wrist? No, shave their heads and paint them red with a...
Need help please with last three 40d Ancient musical instrument made from short tubes of various lengths ?A???P?S 51ac 17th century French artist regarded by many as one of the founders of European...
4d, Restorative amounts to young boxers,for instance (3,3) t?p / ?p? is the answer top ups ? 6d, Poetically eye heavenly body (3) o?? 8d, Main source of income indicated in guest house, say (5,3,6)...
Like sending dogs into a stable to savage a defenceless pony: They haven't got any photos on the this link, but they're horrific. The poor animal has a...
I have 2 clues which I am asking for help. No.1. The rose of Sharon -A-O-S -E--D No.2. a groupof people or countries with a common interest B-O- Thankyou in advance for any help with these clues. Kind...
what you doing ? Hi everyone, I am going to scouts in 10 mins. What are you doing tonight ? Bettyboo22 Thurs 30/04/09 18:41 << Previous Next >> Subscribe to question Post an Answer Find...