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48, Panhandle in a cracker (9-10) 50,The supermarket has a right(6) 51, Twisted train before lV (9) These should start with S perhaps onwards. All place names or islands in u.k Thanks....
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have 4 to find all to do with Britain or British 1,( hosiery, holiday group ( 3 words 5 4 7 letters...2 ( a group and a magazine) 3 words 3 7 6 letters...3 ( muddle, transactions ) 2 words 6 5 letters...
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flanders flirts thanks...
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Baffler 269. Stuck on Worldwide women's group. I have ?w?a any help please
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Stuck on World wide women's group. I have ?w?a. Any help please...
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granny grump
Last 4 please can you help? No number of letters given 11. Did someone steal the stream 27. shade of green for us president The last two are dingbats 49. KING KING HAM KING 50. ROSPITALAD...
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Some help needed please no. 36 Not the place or person Charles had on his mind -but the name's the same![7] no. 43 Burns without match here [8] no. 48 Goal an African might inhabit [6] no. 49 Sounds...
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17d native americans in uplifting studies shown on TV (8) 24a fruitbats entering holding area (9) 1d mild oath the french abuse(6)...
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1, Most of the problem is under water (3,2,3,7,) 2, Has this feline got burnt paws in this film ( 3,2,1,3,3,4, ) 3, Imaginary realm for birds? ( 5,6,4, )...
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Please can any help. 2.Almost select endless prison.(6) 5.Toss each point.(8) 7.Fashionable spar.(4.3) 30.Soldier of the sun(7) Thank you for any help given....
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need help with last 3 please no number of letters given 13. stop at this jetty for a reviving drink 24. a highland cottage 31. how is the young lady...
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19 Friend of Disney (8) 40 Welsh View (3 5 3 2 6) Any help gratefully appreciated...
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Please help with 8 across.Clue is:One making progress in series of pictures is slower to lose head. I have ?A?E Any help and explanation much appreciated....
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Solve the anagram to reveal the name of a famous living person Eel Ringer I'm stumped, is stumped too - anyone please help here? Thank you...
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L+U - M x P (4, 3) Completely fooled by this
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2 lose one ba for a lovely cake 5 letters 11 very even from the USA 8-6 letters 15 this bacon gave a long line here 5 letters 16 Useful for a lot of sewing 4 letters 20 did the sultan going off do it...
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could anyone help please noi large country house with coffin transporter 9 letters no2 wide road 8 letters no3 naomis daughter in law embarresed 7 letters thanks tiffy...
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No number of letters given for the answer, 9 Motor cycling clergyman 21 Is there a musical instrument playing in front of a building Thank you for any replies Q...
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27)This island delights in its loathsome filth (8) the following answers are capitals: 36) A preliminary search for a chest balm is needed here?((9) 43) Question whether the animal is misbehaving (9)...
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Thanks for Hollyhock , so simple when you see the answer. Now retired and getting to grips with trying to understand cryptic clues....

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