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take a break spring 1 missing link word for music latin guitar ?l?c?i?a? thanks.
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1. Recently arrived. Facing first ball perhaps. 2. His name can rhyme with "Alf" or "safe" depending on how it is pronounced. 3. Eric lives inside here. 4. A very happy lady, (not GLadys)....
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All the spaces are names od cricketers who have played for England. Norris decided to Boycott the _____(5) Archer trials in case a stray arrow hit him and his _______(7) decided to retaliate. So he...
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According to the Daily Mail If the Scots vote for Secession they may be denied entry to the Eurovision song contest because application involves complicated criteria and will not guarantee admittance!...
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please help.... 1d stop (the flow of blood) (7) ?t???c? 2d gently fall into water (4) ?l?? 6d river which drives grinding equipment (10) ?I?l?t?e?s 7d distinctly (7) ?I?i?l? 15d grating noise (5)...
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please help..... 22a private stables (4) ???? 23a emergency vessel for sea rescues (8) ?I???o?t 27a light hair (4) ?u?? 28a intricate (10) c?n???????...
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All answers are things made of wood 11) Ballet rail on the left (5) 37) Park entrance (6,4) Thanks for any help...
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1. Hall or clock - well,either 2. That's funny - there were two of them in this TV show 3. Not palindromic, but worth a mint and a Bob or two when he reverses...
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3) to swindle someone. 14) ancient burial ground follows a hoop. 17)AABBCEEEFGHILRTTTUWY (three words) 20) otherwise this ends with a beet 23)Don Juan was one. 27) to supply food for this post. No...
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Lie-in King
I've had permission from them to post this thread & I hope you don't think that I'm being presumptuous by asking for your assistance. Some of you may remember that some years ago I was posting about...
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Hi any help appreciated stuck on last 3 all types of biscuits 17 Emperor (7) 21 Spread gasps (6.5) 24 Arabica Pecks (6.6.) thanks in anticipation....
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Twice tonight this message has appeared on my computer. This website has been reported as unsafe. We recommend that you do not continue to this website.Go to my home page instead. This...
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granny grump
Please can you help- no number of letters given 13. Cardinal 14. Banner 17. Lift 18. Land holding...
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Number of letters not given. 1. Type of enclosure found on the cricket pitch. 2. You could find this on a fishing ship. 5. Helps to keep the weeds down. 11. Spur with direction and a sign. 13. Would...
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T.B.O.A (3,5,2,91) A.A.(6,6)) T.B.O.B (3,5,2,10
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do one, two and four cares go? a bit cryptic for me but then maybe someone out there knows.......
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Was ready to post it and discovered another blank , can anyone help please, It is the name of a british butterfly . Clue - Cox of Oxford eight . Thank you....
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I have answers for all the spaces in this story but I am not sure on a few can you please help me? "First, let me introduce myself, I am ? (6 letters) and this is my ? (3,4). I live on ? (4,6). And...
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granny grump
Never having been to the big Apple before a week in New York where nothing is Please can you help with these missing musicals - number of letters in brackets Never having been to the big Apple before...
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11) Garden cart meets gas counter (90 15) Take a recess now! (4) 26) Australia first!(5) 27) At thirty two. you are freezing(10) 29) Goes with bright(6) Many thanks for any help x...

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