Do you like my make over avatar? Just fancied a change! :) Have you ever had a make over in your image in real life? Not me! I've had the same hairstyle since I was in my teens (over 50 years) - long...
When you hear about friends Young / Older passing, does it make you wonder when your time is up? In our local paper each week I read about So & So passing, that's what made me put this post in....
Answer s are place names within the British Isles.Within the answer will be a past or current manufacturer or model of mode of transport. Would appreciate a clue only to my last one,please 2 These...
I thought the staff at Poppy House attitude if thats the right word very moving. going along with their dreams recolections great for the residents. instead of correcting them telling them where they...
Endless transport,so be it. 2) in this heat her ice cream will melt. 3) liqueur exchanges final indefinite article for you and me. 4) cloth drops internal junction and gains a festival. Thanks for any...
1) in charge in an Italian city 2) make up,lose direction and add a drink.3) did people take cover when these flew over. 4) the lad's been swallowed up by a girl. 5) a shortened form of greeting....
Hopefully the gremlins will have gone now. Can anyone please help. 1. Central Scotland town. 4. Write. 22 . Surround completely direction. 28. Snap a mimic. 30. Smoothing over government...
Hi, I'm stuck on my quiz - again! The answers are all names of lakes. Can anyone help please? 13) Frenchman who wrote without anger (5) 14) Monkey about calcium (8) 17) Measure almost large enough...
Mrs Sqad has asked me to let concerned ABers know that Sqad has been in hospital all week with heart problems (the devil has been on AB from a "small and hard bed" without letting on). He had an Op...
[2] regally the top man,held court on the cape [8let] [3] take some panadol, largely to ease the pain of money worries [6let] [4] the lad can be found wandering around, searching for some extras. [7]...
can anyone help with these phrases with vowels and spaces missing please. 31. bvbrd 34. vnstvns. 36. pyd. 37. llgrktm . and 41. dmndglm .thanking you in advance