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My TV is kinda old (has a built in VCR!) and only has one SCART port on the back, which is currently being used by my Freeview box. There are no other ports apart from the aerial port. I'm looking to...
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Hey can anyone try and give me a good meaning of the phrase 'Lower Your Eyelids to Die with the Sun'? It's one of my favourite songs by M83 but have always struggled to explain the meaning of it....
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How do i go about taping a thumb that is sprained, may even be broken or fractured, and no i won't go to hospital as i am pretty sure it is not broken. If you have a link to a site that has photo...
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Anybody know the name of the song featured in this campaign? ;feature=related
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what is the slowest speed a known object can travel at in m/s?
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What sort of Society are we living in here in England? i need to know this for a sociology course i am taking.
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On a quiz, where the number is the answer and the group of letters, give the first letter of each word of the question. e.g. 8 = KOECH = Kings of England Called Henry so 743 = SOSASL 18,600 = SOLIMPS...

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