13.During one's first affair one might have located this Island[6] 15.Wild boar or elephant may sway gently on channel waters[6,4] 16.I climb into an oak or perhaps a beech or fir here[5]
8.Is it fish or beer that leads one into a modern dance movement[4,4 10.Here's an Island which sounds complete but is only so when the tide is in![4,6] 12.Strange since most people think the harbour...
6.Sounds like this island sanctuary is in my possession[4] 7.Good man Mickey when he's on his horse![2,8,5] 8,Is it fish or beer that leads one into a modern dance movement.[4,4]
23 American soldier takes a bewildered witch to this island (5) 26 Where graduate carries the mark of an earlier injury (6) 30 If you are careful vague idea may give you this answer (4)
3 Model dog's head in clay (5) 5 Could it be the New York Eagles who named this island (8) 9 Old east coast railway gets in the way (6) 11 Has a club been formed here (9) 14 Al leaves bare hill in...