Trying to finish off this quiz! 3)Parent who cooked her own? 12)Festival fir 18)The lad plus legumes language 28) Noiseless part of the day? 31) Noel letters Any help on these would be great
7,4 letters- the cause of a broken chain. 9 letters- must have one to survive. 10 letters- you get a good view from here. 3,5,2,2,1,11, letters- you can always ask your mate. 4,5 letters- a sad male....
1. Push a weight? (7) 2. Share a harbour? (5) 3. Latest for? (9) 4.What burglars do? (7) 5. Fast Forest? (9) 6. Walk in step? (5) 7, Sheep's way into fold? (8) 8. Multiple by two? WEll almost (8) 9....
answers are pairs e.g. names places and other subjects or phrases. M---- AND ---- (5,4) N----- AND ---- (6,4) P--- AND --------- (49) J-------- AND--------- (9,9)