After a recent windows update (made by them ... not me) I am unable to play music via my headphones or, in fact, get any sound at all. Has this happened to anyone else and do you know how to fix... ...
If two different MPs each own properties in London, is it legal for them to rent the properties to each other and claim each of the rents back on their expenses? Are there any parliamentary rules... ...
This is just a question about courtesy and etiquette. I know there are few living Victoria Cross holders alive. If they were a guest at a function or suchlike. Would it be etiquette to stand when... ...
The questions to the last Rainbow quiz are already starting and will not doubt continue until they all appear. Is there any chance of trying to keep them on one post as per other sites rather than...
Is it possible to find out which members of parliament are claiming fuel costs as part of their parliamentary "expenses"?
If so, where would I Look?...
Should the contestants be allowed to give only surnames as answers to questions? I can accept the usual very famous ones- Beethoven, Shakespeare,Schubert etc etc....but when asked who starred in the...
I'm not sure if this is in the correct category! I recently visited my grandson and asked him what he would like as a little treat. "Macdonalds!" (I will not repeat out loud what I thought of that)...
I have recently retired as treasurer from my local club after putting in many years of work albeit not terribly onerous or difficult. Since leaving, a member of the club whom I never saw eye to eye...
Recently I needed to search for an image on google search. After uploading there was a "suggested" answer by google which bore no relation to the image. Is there an easy way to switch off this...
I have noticed that more questions are being asked on quizzes with two, sometimes three, months to run. Are people becoming lazy and letting others do the work?, or is it a case of I must finish it...
Why is this boring non-event given so much air time? It's bad enough that the race is nearly as exciting as watching paint dry - but the interminable build up!! How much can you say about a load of...
This is not from me but a copy of the suggested etiquette on this site by the Editor The AnswerBank requests you to enter your Quiz information as follows: Asking a Question: 1. Before you ask a...
Why, when party goers KNOW they are going to get free drinks at staff "do's" insist on getting half a skinful beforehand thus becoming totally inebriated and obnoxious before the end of the evening....
I'm not asking for particular details of winners names etc, but has anyone won the Mail on Sunday or other crossword where you have submitted an entry by post? You usually get the option of phoning,...
We have two longtime friends with whom we have a drink on a Saturday night every couple of weeks. The town where we live has plenty of pubs/clubs to suit everyone and very often there are a few local...
What exactly was this programme about? The new presenter, in between asking a few dumb questions, kept saying they would reveal Cornwalls hidden gems / secrets / whatever, then never did. We only ever...
Much has been made recently about keeping important documents safe so your identity and other details cannot be used by less scrupulous people. I have just renewed my passport (rubbish picture as...