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What is the base for Cumberland sauce?
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Answer is food or drink related in the title of the song C S by O Can any music geniuses out there give me the name of the song and / or artist?
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Which company used the above advertising slogan?
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Which company used the advertising slogan "We're well connected" ? Thanks in advance for any help
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The answer to the riddle must have, or be associated with a number. The question is : "Marriages from computer dating?" Has anyone any clues? Many thanks
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The answer to the question has to have a number included somewhere, can anyone help? -Marriages from computer dating?
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The answers to these questions have to have, or be related to a number. Anyone got any bright ideas - I have pre-(holiday) season brain freeze ! 1. Madame Butterfly's description of a British summer...
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The title of the quiz is Vive La France and all answers have a French connection. The Clue is "Jolly fat lady" which, unlike Quasimodo, does not ring any bells. Any clues anyone?
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I have two ditloid questions, the answers to which I cannot find. Can anyone give me a clue or answer to these please? (No particular theme to these) 16 = M.O.T. 13 = O.R. of G.
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I have noticed one or two questions cropping up from this quiz already but the people concerned are not naming the quiz or just heading them "unusual place names in the UK" or the like. This quiz does...
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I was going to ask a puzzle question but it would not be found in amongst the hundreds of CROSSWORD questions. There is a separate CROSSWORD section you know!
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The quiz is entitled "take a slow boat to China" and all the answers have an oriental theme. "Sporting competition with half the usual team" Any clues anyone?
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Answers to the following 2 questions relate to artists / cartoonists / illustrators. Can anyone shed any light on the answers please? 1. He loves swimming pools. 2. Did he make his name with yoga and...
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This is a question on the above theme which I assume means the answer is a plant of some kind. Advice for Hamilton (no number of letter given) Any clues to this one please?
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I have noticed more and more of the qustions from this excellent quiz being posted on answerbank. PLEASE do not let this quiz go the way of scores of other competitions with stacks of unresolved...
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What links -- Raven, Klein, Don ? Do not have any other clues - sorry!
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I think we have been down this road with other quizzes. I do help and have been helped in the past with various questions which have been causing problems. There are many generous people out there...
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A friend has gone to great lengths and expense to "prove" that her son is "mildly dyslexic". Are there different levels of dyslexia or is it a case of "you either have it or you don't" ? I would not...
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Has anyone got a note of a website / details of famous people / showbiz personalities with Doubly Alliterative names? Any help appreciated
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Are there any websites dedicated to trying to curb the constant pressure of Christmas from big businesses and the like by preventing advertising before 1st December? I have read somewhere that certain...

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