Please don't judge me or ridicule me as I am genuinely seeking advice. I am single as is the lady that I am going to be having a date with. This lady and I met at a party 15 years ago and had a "kiss...
Last one and, typically, a tiddler! Rejected passing idea about energy, being unresponsive. 4 letters, have ?E?F Can see E for energy but that's it! Help much appreciated - many thanks...
A friend has given me loads of green tomatoes so I`m going to make chutney. Pretty much all of the recipes call for apples to be added. Are apples essential to the recipe (for setting for example) or...
Stuck on last 2. Any help on these appreciated
What is a Woolly Bear? 6 6 6
"Stupid boy": Horn-rimmed harry: classical guitarist. Which animal is the odd one out?...
I've been told you can't eat rhubarb after a certain time. Is this true because i've got some lovely rhubarb on my allotment. I think its some thing to do with acidity.......
stuck with a few. 34D MISSING? (6) ?S????? , 49A CAPITAL OF FRENCH GUIANA?(7) C?????? , 46D SURROUND( A TOWN)? (7) ?E???G? , 26A PARISH MINISTER?(6) ????O? Is it rector? 54A FOLDER FOR LOOSE PAPER?(6)...
71. owher(4 words) 72.s.o.s.(2words) 73.the law on(7words) 74.o er t o (2words) 75.6*4=24 the92words) 76.entury(4words) 77.war and pea(5 words) 78 OOdomOOO(1word) 79.a toms(2words)...
Please could anyone point me in the right direction for picture No.6? Just a clue would be fine. Also No. 10. ? I've seen Paradise Falls as an answer but not sure as it isn't a real place. Be grateful...