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Not sure of the mechanism but apparently Dave says we'll be able to boot out our local MP in the future, Good Idea? How many would have been elbowed if this had been in place for the exes fiasco?
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The government claims to be wanting to discourage car usage so why don't they abolish road tax for motorcycles?
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I think it's done to death now ED!
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I see in the News that the US is helping nations clear up weapons grade Uranium, eg Chile and Ukraine for example. Is there any useful peacetime application for Uranium-235? What will they do with it?...
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He's definiately won the, "who's got the brightest manifesto cover" competition. Will the pretty pictures and phone directory style, do enough? Anyone manage to get a signed copy?
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No one seems to be doubting the guilt: So clearly it's an argumanet about sentencing....
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R1Geezer Enough Said....
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R1Geezer Now I can't see how he's even considered to be remotely amusing but really is he so desparate for laughs that he mocks to disabled?...
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Just looking at the pics on sky news, picture 25 has a shot of Morgan Freeman and Lori McCreary each with a bracelet on with a number 4.666xxx, different styles of bracelet but same number, whats all...
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They serve no useful purpose, disrupt progress, most members tend to be work shy socialists who hate their employers and tend to think the world owes them a living. Thankfully they have only a little...
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Last year we paid anti British Muslim nutter, £25475, during the same period we paid a British Front line soldier £17004. Is there anywhere else in the universe where the enemy is treated...
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R1Geezer So as an AA member if I break down I'll have to deal with it myself, fair enough. Would I be within my rights to bill the AA and subsequently pursue payment?...
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Here's mine 1) Wrath of Khan 2) Star Trek (2009) 3) The Voyage Home 4) The undiscovered Country 5) First Contact...
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If you won under the current system would you still change it to PR?
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Is there anything that your opposing party could promise(assuming they keep it) that would make you change your vote to them?
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Should we all have to pay for their over generous final salary schemes or should they go over to money purchase like the rest of us?
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Up to now most teachers would have been dragged through the courts for even thinking about disciplinning school kids. It seems that assumtion is a "myth". So is Ed...
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Wel should B&B / Hotels have the choice not to have gays stay?
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For moving half the grand prix to BBC 2 so we can enjoy some religious clap trap. I recorded it and then spent all morning trying to avoid the result. So imagine how pleased I was when I watched it up...
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What's the biggest difference you can find? Mine is Rollerball, original 6.5, remake 2.7. IMDB scores.

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