13a season with tons enthralled by acting exuberantly in lead (10)
8d a mad painter's needs somehow evident in painting of energy and movement ( 4,5,3,5 )...
like many others I do not like mr mayer
47d English boss comes in to cover for troops (7) --s---o
12d Virgin filling bank form ? (2,4,2,6,4) to start me off top right...
15a cycle along with extremely loathsome bear - did it do it for Dr Black? (11)
11d show contempt and tear into awful thesis (12)
14d one dollar hidden in china cow (10)
I need letters to start this off
5d one initially looks great in a shift , being "mature" 2,1,7,3
13a Doctor met a fool and he's a burden 3,3,2,3,3
8d Model did many a service? She would, wouldn't she! 5,4-6
I have all the letters as this is the last one so it must be either you know it or you don't and I don't....