two left from yesterday 17d they could reproduce bats b---e-s 20a lustful Romeo having been bedded was exhausted 3,3 r-- --- , not giving you second letter of second word as I am not sure titch is the...
17d Nurses help out with TV/Radio research (6,4,9)
16a Not involved with Gillian McKeith's work? (5,7,3,7)
my guess is that these are so obvious but I just cannot see...
1a Feeling very self conscious in say, Arab Country, returning first class (8)
9a Mammal meat - there's a kilo out on balance
13d If it's low you may get depression or tension when worried
9a Nasty Pirate left in base (9) 1d Copper carries a bone of small animal (7) 3d Man's surroundings ? (5,3) Not including letters because somewhere i must have a mistakein the top left . Cheers...