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Im guessing hungover in their beds or getting aquainted with shoulder barges and elbow digs at the sales, If your reading this then i assume your doing neither, So what are you doing today and does it...
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wouldnt it be good if mc donalds done home delivery
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i really think my boyfriend is the best boyfriend in the world. who's with me?
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What am i holding in my right hand?Get it right and win a prize. Can you guess? Yes or no answers only from me....
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George Washington Irving Berlin Paris Hilton... You get my drift.... :-0...
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am sitting here and he is shouting at the xbox it is so funny lol he threw the controler across the room lol
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I got a gillette fusion razor for christmas. I've already crashed the car , rogered the next door neighbour and cheated at monopoly....
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Hi everybody! Here's wishing you all A very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year and thanks for the answers to the crossword clues. Marbert.
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before I get banned by the dweebs on here that press and press the report button in all their other names
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what shall i have to eat
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Captin Kirk
on the NORAD website?
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where you going for your holiday this year ?
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Happy Christmas Everybody ...... including Sprinter and the boysin blue ! Ho Ho Ho
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Captin Kirk
on my wife's Christmas card? ...
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my sons have given me a lovely present,an actifry'dying to try it out,i'll try my roasted spuds in it tomorrow.
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Whatever your circumstances may the New Year bring you peace and comfort. Mamya xxx...
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For my New Year's resolution, I've decided to listen more to women, be more considerate be a gentleman and open doors for them and encourage them to show their true feelings....
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Why is it when you see a new user name on here some the regulers start behaving strangely, ,do they think every new name that comes on here is a bad guy/gal,?

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