Please help with 1 across.Clue is: Scientific study is sort of cool in Egypt if there's no physical exercise! 7 letters.Very sorry, I have no letters.Many thanks in advance.
Please help with parsing of 5 across.Clue is:Man's man is 1/100.7 letters.I think the answer is DOUGLAS.What is the meaning of 1/100? It occurs in 7 clues.Many thanks.
Please help with parsing of 11 down.Clue is:3 lovers of trendy music,and books in need of foreign friend. 11 letters.I think the answer is HIPPOPOTAMI.But how does it fit with 3 lovers?Thanks in...
Please help with parsing of 49 across.Clue is: Drinking whiskey without water,regularly backing city.7 letters. I have S?A?S?A.The answer must be SWANSEA, but how does it parse? Many thanks.
Please help with 6 down.Clue is: Press turn up, say nothing.4 letters.I have P?S?. Could it be PSST? I don't fully understand the parsing. Many thanks.
PLease help with 1/10 across.Clue is:Crooked loan distribution claimed to be in the public interest? Answer is 2 words of 7 and 9 letters. Many thanks.
Can anyone please explain the answer to 4 down? The clue is: Nub? 6,4,4.Apparently the answer is UPSIDE DOWN CAKE! How on earth are we supposed to get that? Many thanks.
I have had a recurrent bladder infection for the last year.I am fed up with being given antibiotics that dont' work.Does anyone know of any natural remedies apart from cranberry juice? Many thanks.
I would like to enter the crossword competition by email, but don't know how to do it.I have just typed in the email address, but don't know what to put in the subject box.Can anyone help please?