Answer is based on an idiom that has two hyphens and an apostrophe. The E's are in the Second,third, and next to last position. (Wales is somewhere in the word) Failures in Conwy? (11 Letters)...
1. Failures in Conway? (11 letters) Has "Wales" some where in word. _ _ E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (RALESONWEDE) 2. One of the most famous places to take a picture on the California coast. (11 letters) _ _ E _...
6a.Member of a family of hoofed animals that includes zebra and horse. E???D. 11a. Obselete word for cattle thief.A?A?L??. 18a. since 2000 official name of Calcutta.??L?A?A.23a.US female vocalist with...