Please help. 26a French astronomer is not as neat (7) ??s?i?r, 8d Marsh covered with golden variety of mayweed (3,6) d?g, ?e?n?l and finally 19d The German paper included a visionary (7) d?e???r....
17d Art Gallery on Edinburgh's Princes Street (!.!.1) R?A and 33a Scots word, meaning city tough guy or urchin (6) ?e?l?e. Any help greatly appreciated and thanx in advance.
Struggling for 3 today. 12a Strong, almost entirely a clay block structure (6) ?a???c, 20a Doctor in country, the last to shun issue (8) ?h???r?n and 13d About to beat with disgust (7) ??p???e. Thanx...
Last two. 18a An educational establishment in California. (8) ?t?n?o?d and 38a Spanish phrase meaning "See you later" (5/5) hasta/?u?g?. Thanx in advance.